Sep 17, 2019
This week Pastor Bailey encourages the Shiloh church body to not just go thru the motions of church, but to BE the church. He digs into Acts 2 to take a closer look at the early church and discuss crucial things they did well. Hope you enjoy!
Sep 10, 2019
Pastor Chuck continues this week with the lies of the
performance trap and how to overcome them. He teaches us 6
truths/steps for happiness:
1. Own your happiness
2. Challenge your own story
3. Enjoy the journey
4. Make relationships count
5. Balance work with play
6. Understand confession and repentance
Sep 3, 2019
On this Labor Day weekend Pastor Bailey gives a message on Rest. God has designed us to rest and life just works out better His way. We need to rest physically and in our souls(mind, will, and emotions). As the Lord's children we can rest in His friendship and in His promises! So rest and enjoy!