Nov 19, 2019
This week missionary's Anna and David encourage and empower us to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and share the good news with others. What joy awaits for all involved!
Key verse: "So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to...
Nov 12, 2019
Pastor Bailey brings a little bit of his testimony this Veterans Day weekend and shared his thankfulness of the Holy Spirit. Not only do we need to know about the Holy Spirit and His gifts, but we need to believe, receive, and respond to Him. Hope you enjoy!
Nov 5, 2019
In this podcast Pastor Chuck discusses eight different biblical reasons why we raise our hands not only in church, but also as a lifestyle practice. The Lord reminds us that we raise our hands for deliverance, victory, and as a blessing to others. Hope you enjoy!