Mar 30, 2020
This week Pastor Lacey closes out our current series, "The life of a Disciple" with an anointed word on Holiness. You can check our our entire Worship service online here. Don't miss it. I know you will be blessed. Enjoy!
Mar 23, 2020
This week Pastor Bailey brought us the first ever Shiloh online
service! Check us out on our YouTube
He continued on with his present series, "The life of a Disciple".
Key points: disciples choose faith over fear, stand on the promises
of God, and produce fruit in every season. Hope you...
Mar 16, 2020
This week Pastor Chuck concludes his series, "How to live a life of Blessings" with a message on Identity! A child of God hears, listens, and obeys. Key verses: Matt. 18:3-4, Mark 12:30-31, Eph. 5:1-2, and 1 Jn. 3:1-3. Hope you enjoy!
Mar 16, 2020
This week Pastor Chuck continues with his series, "How to live a life of Blessings" with a message on forgiveness. Key verse: Luke 6:38. You won't want to miss his 6 thoughts on forgiveness! Hope you enjoy!
Mar 2, 2020
This week Pastor Chuck continued with his series, "How to live a life full of Blessings" by bringing a message on money. We are to depend on God's wealth and His money plan, not our own, for our supply. Key verses: Proverbs 3:9-10, 2 Corinthians 9, Luke 16:11-13 and Malachi 3. Hope you enjoy!