May 26, 2020
This Memorial Day service Pastor Chuck brings a message entitled, "Pray, Trust, and Wait". We know it will bless you during this unexpected season. To watch the entire video service please click here. Enjoy!
May 18, 2020
This week Pastor Bailey begins a new series entitled, "How to Lead Well in 2020". To watch the entire service click here. This weeks main points were: Understand and accept that you are a leader, lead by example, humility is the key to becoming a great leader, and servant leaders flourish in times of crisis. Hope...
May 11, 2020
This Mother's Day Pastor Chuck discusses the power that women have in Christ and in the church. You won't want to miss this powerful teaching. To view the live service click here!
May 4, 2020
Pastor Bailey shares a unique message entitled “Jesus, the Carpenter”. Sharing and showing the steps of a carpenter. Be sure to comment on Facebook or on YouTube to win the wood pen that Pastor Bailey made! (To watch full service click here)