Jun 30, 2021
This week Pastor Lacey brings us a powerful word on "Remembering". The key scripture is Psalm 103:1-5. Her 3 key points are 1. Forgetting things we want to remember 2. Remembering things we want to forget 3. Choosing What to Remember. We pray this message blesses you this week.
Jun 21, 2021
Elder Ken Schwendemann brings us some good news on this Fathers Day Sunday! The key scripture is Matthew 3:17 and his 3 main points are 1. Identity 2. Resource 3. Love. May the word bless you this morning.
Jun 14, 2021
This week Pastor Bailey followed up lasts weeks message with a powerful message titled Come and See. The key scripture is John 1:45-51. The three main points are 1. The invitation to come and see. 2. Believe that you will SEE greater things. 3. Believe that you will DO greater things! There is a time to SEE and a time...
Jun 7, 2021
This week Pastor Bailey brings us a powerful word titled The Power of a Testimony. There are 4 key points this week. 1. You have a testimony. 2. Your testimonies are ever increasing and help you build a solid foundation for life. 3. Your testimony is powerful. 4. Lets someone else's testimony encourage you. You have...