Sep 28, 2021
This week Pastor Bailey continues in his current book series on Romans with a message entitled, "Faith over _____" from Chapter 4. Key points: Faith over Fear, Faith over Circumstances, Faith over Doubt, and Faith over the Promise. We pray you are blessed and encouraged by this message and that your faith will...
Sep 21, 2021
This week Pastor Bailey continues with our march through Romans with a message entitled, "Just as if I never sinned." He wraps up our first mini series on "Sin" and introduces our newest mini series on "Salvation". We pray you are encouraged by this good news!
Sep 13, 2021
This week Pastor Bailey dives into Romans Chapter 2. The four key points for this week are 1. How's your heart? 2. How are you responding to the gospel? 3. Religion won't change your heart! 4. Are you cut to the heart? Join us every week as we walk through the book of Romans! We pray that this word speaks to...
Sep 8, 2021
This week Pastor Bailey starts a new book study series on the book of Romans. Each week we will be digging into the chapters throughout the book. This week Chapter 1! The three key points are 1. Sin is a problem 2. Jesus is the solultion 3. We get to share the good news. We pray that you are blessed by this weeks message!